Styling Packages


$75 and up

Editorial or Personal Branding

This package provides up to six looks hand-selected by me. The price includes my time spent at the shoot, as well as my time spent sourcing pieces. If you do not already have a concept in mind, please select the Creative Direction Add-On below.


Personal Styling Package

This package includes a two hour in-home consultation, closet edit and revamp, a personal shopping appointment, and a personalized online shopping list with links to purchase items.

$50 and up

Model Test Shoot Package

This package provides up to three looks. The price includes my time spent at the shoot, as well as my time sourcing pieces.

Add-Ons/A La Carte

$25 // Creative Direction

$40 // 1 Hour In-Home Follow Up Appointment

$40 // Personalized Shopping List

$50 // Outfit Creations from Your Closet (2 Hours)

$60 // 2 Hour Personal Shopping Appointment